10 Signs You Have a Squirrel Problem in Your Home

10 Signs You Have a Squirrel Problem in Your Home

Squirrels tend to infest the garages and attics of residential homes because the areas provide quiet warmth near food and water where the rodents can make nests. Unfortunately, squirrels will chew through structures and spread contamination while inside your home, increasing your risk of property damage and health concerns the longer they are left to breed on your property. To get ahead of a growing infestation, here are ten signs to look for to determine if you have a squirrel problem in your home.

10 Signs You Need Squirrel Removal

Squirrels may be small, but they aren’t silent. If you notice any of the following signs, it’s time to contact a squirrel removal professional.

  1. Scratching Noises

    The biggest giveaway for squirrels is scratching noises, especially from your attic or walls. You’ll most likely hear it during the daytime, when squirrels are most active.

  2. Chewing and Squeaking Sounds

    Scratches aren’t the only sounds you’ll hear from squirrels. These nuisances will create sound when gnawing down on building materials or squeaking to their fellow friends.

  3. Gnaw Marks

    Squirrels’ teeth are constantly growing, meaning they have to chew to keep them in shape. If squirrels are in your home, they’re likely chewing on wooden furniture or structures, insulation or electrical wires.

  4. Squirrel Droppings

    Squirrel droppings are small dark brown or black pellets, usually found around where they nest or eat. Their urine will produce an ammonia-like smell that’s easy to catch around your home.

  5. Nests

    Squirrels will create their nests typically in secluded areas of your home, such as in your attic or unused spaces. Look for piles of material including branches, leaves and insulation.

  6. Squirrel Spottings

    Watch out for increased squirrel activity around your home early in the morning or late afternoon, when they’re most active. Try to spot if they’re gathering around any part of your home in particular.

  7. Disturbed Kitchens

    Kitchens are a favorite snack spot for squirrels because of easy access to perishable goods and trash. Watch out for disturbed garbage cans or chew marks in any cardboard or plastic boxes.

  8. Damaged Yards

    Squirrels are scavengers and will raid your yard for food, especially if you’re growing produce or have birdfeeders. Look for disturbed or damaged lawn furniture, broken branches around your home or missing plants.

  9. Shredded Insulation

    If you’re noticing your home isn’t regulating temperature as well as it should, take a look at its insulation. This fluffy material is often shredded and stolen by squirrels to be used as a nesting material.

  10. Exterior Property Damage

    Look out for expanded gaps and holes around your home, as well as chewing marks on wooden decks or structures.

Get Rid of Squirrels with Animal Wildlife Trappers

If you notice any signs of squirrels on your property, the safest and most effective way to get rid of them is to rely on the rodent removal services provided by the experts at Animal Wildlife Trappers. Our licensed and trained technicians have the equipment and experience to provide high-quality animal removal services. To schedule an appointment and receive a free squirrel removal estimate, call us today at 352-267-0546.

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