3 Common Entry Points Raccoons Use to Enter Your Home

3 Common Entry Points Raccoons Use to Enter Your Home

Raccoons are curious critters known for their mischief, especially when it comes to knocking over trash cans and causing havoc in your yard. While they may seem cute from a distance, they can become a real problem if they make their way inside your home. Here are the three most common entry points raccoons use to get in homes and how to know when it’s time to call for professional raccoon removal.

Common Raccoon Entry Points

Raccoons are great climbers, meaning they have more ways to access your home than you think. Tree branches, gutters, and exterior pipes all provide extra boosts for raccoons to make it inside your property. However, the three most common entry points raccoons use to let themselves in residential homes include:

  1. Attics:

    The most common way raccoons access homes is through the attic. Loose roof shingles and open siding are prime vulnerabilities that raccoons exploit to gain entry. Their sharp claws and strong teeth can easily tear through exposed areas, making their entry go unnoticed. Most attic entry points can be prevented with regular roof maintenance, such as scheduling inspections and replacing any damaged parts of your roof.

  2. Chimneys:

    On a Florida property, chimneys can usually get overlooked. Since fireplaces are seldom used, chimneys are not often thought-of as an area of exposure. However, raccoons will frequently use open chimneys to slink down into your home at night. Closed chimneys can also become a problem, especially if a raccoon gets itself stuck inside. Chimney caps and screen mesh stretched over the chimney vent will prevent raccoons from falling in while still allowing smoke to blow out.

  3. Vents:

    While vents usually act as a strong barrier, older or loose vents can become a problem as they’re easy to damage and pry open. It can often be hard to spot compromised vents due to their location, tucked away around the side of your home. If the raccoon made its way into your property through a vent, it can take a while before you notice. Fortunately, it’s easy to prevent raccoons from entering through vents by conducting regular walkthroughs of your property and addressing vent damage as soon as you notice it.

Rely on Effective Raccoon Removal Services

If you notice signs of raccoons on your property, it’s time to call in a wildlife removal expert. They’ll have the tools and techniques to safely and effectively remove the raccoons, and equip you with the knowledge and prevention strategies needed to keep them out permanently. So, instead of attempting dangerous or inhumane DIY raccoon removal, rely on the affordable and effective services provided by Animal Wildlife Trappers.

Protect Your Property from Raccoons with Animal Wildlife Trappers

Animal Wildlife Trappers provides safe and effective raccoon removal services for Central Florida homes and businesses. Our licensed and trained technicians have the equipment and experience to provide you with high-quality services that ensure all nuisance raccoons are removed completely and permanently. To schedule an appointment and receive a free raccoon removal estimate, call us today at 352-267-0546.

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